Minecraft: Updated

A Modification to Minecraft PlayStation Vita Edition which brings:
1.21 Textures - Music - Panaroma - Blocks - Mobs. And much more!



What we're looking into

We are looking into making Minecraft PlayStation Vita Edition as fresh and new as we can so you can try the 1.21 GamePlay style on your old Console
(The Project is still in early Development so don't expect much coming out for now...)


Note: the following screenshots are taken from early stages of the project and stuff may change!


Note: If you're willing to try all of v1.21's features, then we might recommend you to wait for the release of a newer version of this Mod, since this version doesn't have all of v1.21's features and functions complete.

Download Instructions:

1. Download the mcu1.1 file by clicking
the button below.

2. Download the RePatch file by clicking
the button below.

3. Move the "mcu1.1" file to your "psvita ux0" then click triangle ---> more ---> install folder.4. You will get an Error (It will be fixed) go back all the way to "vitashell" then press triangle then refresh "livearea"5. Move the folder inside the "RePatch" folder you just downloaded, the folder you need to move is called "PCSG00302", move it to your "RePatch" folder.And Enjoy : )
-LOY091 (Lead DEV).

Stay Tuned With Us: